If the statute of limitations has run, the plaintiff is without redress. 如果过了法定诉讼时效,原告将无法得到救济。
The statute of limitations problem has also received great attention in the asbestos cases. 限制法令问题在石棉案例中也受到了注意。
The period of statute of limitations for consumers to seek damages referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be separately determined for each consumer who has made such assignment. 前项关于消费者损害赔偿请求权之时效利益,应依让与之消费者单独个别计算。
He secured the downgrading of the charge of false accounting for private companies, with retrospective effect, thus making accusations against him barred under the statute of limitations. 他成功地将其名下公司的财务虚假案性质降格,并带有追溯效力,这样就把针对他的指控限制在了有限的法条范围之内。
Clever way to get around the statute of limitations. 绕过法定诉讼时效的聪明做法。
Sometimes the debt is so old that the statute of limitations for filing a suit has passed, and it may already have vanished from a person's credit report. 有时债务可能时间太长,诉讼时效已过,并且该项债务可能已从债务人的信用记录里被删除了或消失了。
In1991 the statute of limitations for non-repayment was eliminated. 不过在1991年,这条关于逃款的法律被取消了。
In our legal system, for example, procedural law specifies the length of a statute of limitations for instituting a lawsuit. 在我们的法律体系中,比如,程序法具体规定了提起诉讼的诉讼时效。
Neither man is likely to go to jail because of Italy's statute of limitations. 因为意大利限制性法令,二者均不会被监禁。
The defendant may also move to dismiss if the statute of limitations has expired. 如果限制性的条例已经期限届满,被告也可以提议驳回。
Information about a lawsuit or an unpaid judgment against you can be reported for seven years or until the statute of limitations runs out, whichever is longer. 关于诉讼判决对未缴或者你可以报七年或之前追诉时效届满后,更长为准。
A specified period during which, by statute, an action may be brought. If the statute of limitations has run, the plaintiff is without redress. 特指法律上的时效由法律规定的特定时间,在此期间内可以起诉如果过了法定诉讼时效,原告将无法得到救济。
If the debtor makes a new payment, though, the statute of limitations starts all over again. 但是,如果债务人重新开始还钱,诉讼时效就会重新开始计算。
But the judge ruled that the warrant was valid, and that prosecutors were therefore not constrained by the statute of limitations. 但是法官裁定:证据是有效的,而检举人不受法律的限制。
Some issues concerning the system of limitation system in legal actions cause many disputes in theory and practice as a result of the imperfections of the statute of limitations. 由于法律规定尚不完善,诉讼时效制度中的某些问题在理论和实践层面引发了许多争议。
In order to maintain the consistency in law application, when making laws, the expiration of the legal limitation, fulfilling contracts by stages, the time period for invalid litigations and whether law courts should invoke statute of limitations should be stipulated clearly. 为维护法律适用的统一性,立法时应在明确诉讼时效客体的基础上,明确规定时效中断、分期履行合同和无效民事行为的诉讼时效以及法院应否主动援引诉讼时效等问题。
Because the statute of limitations, the new interest was not timely into the framework of existing legal protection, social welfare but also suffered serious damage. 由于成文法本身的局限性,新型利益无法及时的纳入到现有法律的保护框架内,社会公益更是遭受了严重的侵害。
The disgorgement statute of limitations should apply, the time is appropriate as 2 years. 公司归入权应适用诉讼时效,时间定为2年比较合适。
Second, the statute of limitations to explore difficult issues related to disruption, including whether criminal negligence leading to disruption as well as the statute of limitations statute of limitations on the possibility of a continuous interruption of two aspects. 其次,对追诉时效中断的相关疑难问题探讨,包括对过失犯罪是否导致追诉时效中断以及追诉时效是否可以连续中断两方面的内容。
Fully equipped statute of limitations on the necessity to stop the system is mainly reflected in three aspects: first, a comprehensive statute of limitations is set to stop system is perfect and integrity of the statute of limitations on the system the inevitable choice. 全面设置追诉时效停止制度的必要性主要体现在三个方面:第一,全面设置追诉时效停止制度是完善与健全追诉时效制度的必然选择。
Perfecting the statute of limitations to stop system is a system for effective implementation of statute of limitations on the value of the premise, which has been a lot of academic discussion, but for how it would be perfect, then the commentators seldom. 完善我国追诉时效停止制度是有效实现追诉时效制度价值的前提,对此学界已有不少论述,但对于如何对其加以完善,则论者甚少。
From cancel the prepositional procedure to establish group litigation mode; From the statute of limitations to jurisdiction are proposed; In order to promote comprehensive perfect civil compensation system in the procedural law. 从取消前置程序到建立集团诉讼模式、从诉讼时效到管辖范围提出了建议,以促进民事赔偿制度在程序法上的全面完善。
Based on the stability of the relationship between social lives, the debtor, mortgage and other interested parties such as multi-interests, the principal debt statute of limitations expired, the mortgagee should be eliminated. 基于对社会生活关系的稳定性、债务人、抵押人和其他利害关系人等多方利益的考虑,主债权诉讼时效届满,抵押权应当消灭。
Containing the proviso in article 13, time effect, statute of limitations, self-defense, emergency, and the quantitative factors in concrete crime. Identify the corresponding implementation is not subject to deserved punishment. 通过总则中的13条但书、时间效力、追诉时效、正当防卫、紧急避险、具体罪状中的定量因素的考察,找出其中对应受刑罚处罚性贯彻不到位的地方。
Third, a comprehensive set the statute of limitations to stop regime is the inevitable requirement of legal coordination. 第三,全面设置追诉时效停止制度是保持法律协调性的必然要求。